COVID-19 Vaccination Information

COVID-19 vaccinations are critical to reduce the severity of illness and protect high-risk populations. The CDC recommends that individuals stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines and booster shots. .

The University is not currently administering COVID-19 vaccines. on the LDH website or call the Louisiana vaccine hotline at 1-855-453-0774. The vaccine hotline can also connect you with medical professionals who can answer questions.

and on the Louisiana Department of Health website.

Student Vaccination Recommended

All UL 69´«Ã½ students (except dual enrollment students) are encouraged to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Employee Vaccination Recommended

All University students and employees who are not fully vaccinated are strongly encouraged to consider vaccination. It is the most effective defense against infection and severe illness related to the virus. Vaccinations, combined with booster shots, have also been shown to be highly effective against COVID-19 strains, such as the Omicron variant. .

Face Covering Policy Still in Effect

The University's Face Covering Policy was amended to recommend, but not require, that everyone wear face coverings in all indoor settings and outdoors while on University property.

A department or unit may require all individuals wear face coverings over their mouths and noses if it is determined to be necessary during a specific face-to-face course, in a specific classroom, laboratory, and/or private office/workspace, or other areas.

on the University Policies website.