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Frequently Asked Questions

The Lincoln Scholars Program tries to promote intellectual and political diversity by reading and discussing foundational texts in small seminars. That means that the type of person who does Lincoln Scholars is someone who likes talking to people they disagree with and who likes reading, taking seriously, and discussing difficult and quite strange books.

We usually have about 30 students in any class of 1st year students.

We are mainly looking for fit to the program. That is, we are looking for thoughtful students who have something to contribute to the intellectual life of the program. Show us that you have some distinctive interest and tell us why we should be interested in it as well. We also care deeply about intellectual and political diversity and welcome applications from conservative students, radical students, and students who do not fit into any of the familiar contemporary categories.

For students entering in the fall of 2020, the courses will be:

  • CORE 105 The Problem of Freedom (a Complex Problems course, fulfills an AU Core requirement)
  • GOVT 105 Individual Freedom vs. Authority (Lincoln Scholars students take a special section of this course, which fulfills a requirement for Government and CLEG majors)
  • GOVT 211 Roots of Political Economy
  • GOVT 212 Politics and Literature

Our courses are seminar-style classes oriented toward the close reading of difficult texts. Many classes in the university are lecture-style classes. Our classes, however, are conversation classes in which we sit around a common table (as opposed to having the professor stand in front of the students). To be successful, such classes require that students have read the text closely before they come to class, that they bring their books to class, and that they come prepared to talk about what they have read. In a normal class, we will spend time working through what that day鈥檚 text means and discussing what difference it would make to us if that text were true. The discipline of close reading and serious conversation is part of the point of the program; we are trying to train ourselves to be intellectually and morally self-sufficient human beings. For this reason, students who enroll in the program must be prepared to take an active role in their own education.

Yes, definitely. We very much welcome applicants who plan on majoring in schools other than SPA.

Yes. The program offers a number of benefits outside of the classroom, like social events like communal dinners and our annual retreat. Students who complete the program requirements will also receive a certificate that will show up on your transcript. There is also a small fellowship that comes with being part of the program.

We recommend that you take at least one of the 1 credit courses in your freshman year and the other 2 in your sophomore year. But that is not a requirement.

Unfortunately, no. Both programs require their special sections of Lincoln Scholars, and you cannot take two sections of Complex Problems. But bear in mind that the Honors Program is an excellent choice.

Below is the current list of authors and texts used 69传媒 the first two years of the program. These will change over time as the program develops further. Rev. 4/2021

The Problem of Freedom (Fall, First Year)
Martin Luther King, 鈥淟etter from Birmingham Jail鈥*
Declaration of Independence (published version and Jefferson鈥檚 draft)
Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Dover)
Frederick Douglass, 鈥淭he Meaning of July 4th for the Negro鈥
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (Dover)
Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience and Other Essays (Dover)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 鈥淒eclaration of Sentiments鈥
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex
Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Individual Freedom vs. Authority (Spring, First Year)
Plato, Apology, Republic
Aristophanes, Clouds
Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery
W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk
Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
Michel Foucault, 鈥淧anopticism鈥

Roots of Political Economy (Fall, Second Year)
John Locke, Second Treatise of Government
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality, Social Contract (selections)
Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations
Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto, German Ideology (selections), 鈥淥n the Jewish Question鈥
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Women and Economics
John Maynard Keynes, General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (selections), 鈥淭he End of Laissez Faire,鈥 other selections
Friedrich Hayek, Road to Serfdom (selections), 鈥淭he Use of Knowledge in Society,鈥 鈥淲hy I am Not a Conservative鈥

Politics and Literature (Spring, Second Year)
James Baldwin, Notes of a Native Son
Homer, Iliad
Jane Austen, Emma
Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man