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Veterans' Benefits

69传媒 University鈥檚 degree programs are approved for educational benefits under the various federal laws relating to veterans. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and complete information, changes in federal regulations and university policy may occur at any time without notice. The following should be considered informational and not binding on the university.

New Students

Veterans entering 69传媒 University must submit a Request for Certification of Enrollment for VA Benefits form with a certified copy of DD-214 through the Veteran Services Administrator in AU Central. Service men and women wishing to receive Veterans Administration (VA) benefits for the first time must present the Serviceman's Application for VA Educational Benefits (22-1990), signed by the Education Office and the Administrator to initiate benefits for the enrollment period.

Transfer students who have received VA educational benefits at another institution and wish to receive VA benefits for the first at 69传媒 University should file a Request for Change of Program or Place of Training (22-1995)through the Veteran Services Administrator. This form will be sent to the VA with the Enrollment Certification (22-1999) completed by the University.

Continuing Students

Continuing students must file the Request for Certification of Enrollment for VA Benefits form each semester with the Veteran Services Administrator in AU Central. All changes in registration (adds, drops, and withdrawals) must be reported to the Veteran Services Administrator in AU Central.

Payment and Financial Responsibility

With the exception of disabled veterans who are training under Vocational Rehabilitation, all beneficiaries of VA education benefits are personally responsible for the payment of their bills to the university. VA checks for educational benefits are sent directly to the address designated on the Request for Certification of Enrollment for VA Benefits form. Eligible students (chapter 30 persons only) who wish to receive advance payment must file an advance payment request form.

VA benefits are awarded on the basis of the expected completion of a certain number of credits each semester as started on the Certification form. The VA interprets "completion of credits" differently from the university. Completion of credits is defined by the VA as grades of A, B, C, D, F, P or FZ. However, veterans who drop below the anticipated number of credits by receiving a W (withdrawals), L (audit), or N (no grade reported) will be in overpayment status according to the VA. Student receiving VA educational benefits must report any change in enrollment that takes place 69传媒 the semester to the Veteran Services Administrator.

The VA directs the university to notify them of a change in status for students 69传媒 or immediately after the end of the month in which the change occurs. Under mitigating circumstances, exceptions to the above polices may be made through the Veterans Administration Regional Office.

Forms and information are available from the Veterans Services Administrator in AU Central, Asbury 201R, 202-885-8012.