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Start your Research

AU Library Search is a Google-style search experience for the vast majority of the library's electronic resources, the WRLC catalog, and other locally available content (e.g. Library Subject Guides, the institutional repository). From a single box, AU Library Search searches full-text content, article citations, and library catalog records and returns a list of results ranked by relevance.

It is the place to start your search for scholarly journal and newspaper articles, books, videos, maps, manuscript collections, music scores and more. From the search results, users can access the full text of articles, or see if a book is on the shelf.

Other Methods

Browse individual databases by Subject, Type, or Vendor.

Use the power of Google to find AU resources. Links back to Library records in results.

Browse Journals by Title or ISSN.

Detailed resources by subject developed by Librarians to aide the research process.

Available for use by AU students, faculty and staff. This extensive online training library contains over 3,000 video tutorials on all types of software.